La rebelion de tupac katari pdf

Este personaje fue llevado a cuzco encadenado y montado en una mula. He was born a peasant and worked as a trader of coca and baize a member of the aymara, apasa took the name tupac katari to honor two earlier rebel leaders. Editorial don bosco, 1990 ocolc555828292 online version. Katari is the name of the leader of a group of indigenous people of bolivia. Tupac amaru jose gabriel condorcanqui o quivicanqui. Ramiro believes he is a descendant of tupac katari. Julian apaza nina, mas conocido como tupac katari, tupaj katari, o simplemente katari. Entradas sobre tupac katari escritas por jorgemustaine. Tupac katari wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Tupac katari atau catari juga dieja tupaj katari sekitar tahun 175015 november 1781, terlahir dengan nama julian apasa nina, adalah pemimpin pemberontakan suku aymara melawan penjajah spanyol di peru hulu kini disebut bolivia. Katari was born julian apasa in the jurisdiction of sicasica and later moved to the nearby town of ayoayo. Tomas katari, and tupac amaru, executed by the spanish in 1572. When the ghosts are deployed into bolivia as part of operation kingslayer, karen bowman introduces them to pac katari, who briefs them on their mission.

Naya saparukiw jiwyapxitaxa nayxarusti,waranqa, waranqanakaw tukutaw kut. Rafael jose sahuaraura tito atauchi, estado del peru 1784. Rebelion tupac katari america del sur conflictos del. Pdf on aug 5, 2016, sergio miguel huarcaya and others published charles walker. Portrait in the gallery of latin american patriots. No solo prestara servicios al estado, sino tambien a empresas privadas y a paises vecinos.